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domenica 28 luglio 2013

Porto Seguro A.D. 1500, 22 de abril “Descobrimento do Brasil”

Porto Seguro  A.D. 1500, 22 de abril

“Descobrimento do Brasil”

Pedro Alvares Cabral (Belmonte 1467 - Santarèm 1520), navigatore portoghese, ebbe il comando dal re Manuel I della seconda spedizione portoghese verso le indie. Con l'intento di stabilire relazioni commerciali permanenti e diffondere la religione cristiana, salpò da Lisbona il 9 marzo dell'anno 1500 con 13 navi e 1500 uomini. Il 22 aprile avvistò una montagna cui diede il nome di Monte Pascoal e il giorno dopo sbarcò lungo la baia dove fece erigere una croce di legno alta circa sette metri e che battezzò Porto Seguro (attuale Stato di Bahia).

Pedro Alvares Cabral (Belmonte 1467 - Santarém 1520), Portuguese navigator, he was given command by King Manuel I of the second portuguese expedition to the indie. With the intent to establish permanent commercial relations and spread the Christian religion, set sail from Lisbon on 9 March in the year 1500 with 13 ships and 1,500 men. On April 22, sighted a mountain which he gave the name of Monte Pascoal and the day after landed along the bay where he built a wooden cross about seven meters high and which he called Porto Seguro (current state of Bahia).

Cabral credeva di trovarsi su un'isola e la battezzò Ilha da Vera Cruz, successivamente fu denominata Terra da Santa Cruz. Una diversa interpretazione dei fatti attribuisce agli spagnoli la scoperta del brasile ( Vicente Yanez Pinzòn).

Cabral was believed to be on an island and named it Ilha da Vera Cruz, was later referred to as Terra da Santa Cruz. A different interpretation of the facts attributed discovery of Brazil to the Spanish  (Vicente Yanez Pinzon).

 Il diorama: strutturato in polistirene estruso/espanso, modellatura in pasta di legno.  I figurini che occupano la nave sono in scala 15 mm ( Essex), gli altri sono prodotti da GERMANIA FIGUREN, IMEX e PEGASUS e sono in scala 1/72, in parte dipinti a mano da me e in parte da Paul Hedges (Paul Bod’s) che ringrazio vivamente per il suo ottimo lavoro.
Per la modellatura del mare ho provato il gel  effetto acqua prodotto da Vallejo, dal quale, sinceramente, mi aspettavo di più. Grazie a tutti per la visione.

The diorama: structured extruded polystyrene / foam, shaping into pulp. The figures who occupy the ship are in scale 15 mm (Essex), the others are produced by GERMANIA Figuren, IMEX and PEGASUS and are 1/72 scale, partly hand-painted by me and partly by Paul Hedges (Paul Bod's ) thank you very much for your great job.
For the modeling of the sea I tried the gel water effect produced by Vallejo, from which, frankly, I expected more. Thank you all for watching.

13 commenti:

  1. Wow that is amazing. I never would have known the figures on the ship were a smaller scale unless you had told me as the whole thing fits together so well its unbelievable.

    increadible, increadible work!

  2. thanks my friends. I really loved this job and I tried to treat every little detail from the beginning (like the debris of leaves on the ground, the coconuts rolled to the shore, and other small things that are usually neglected). I'm happy for those who appreciate this my attempt to represent a scene as realistic as possible.

  3. Absolutely splendid!!!
    It's completely incredible! It looks so real !

    You're a Great Master, my friend!

    For me, the water works fine... but I'm not a specialist.

    Very good choice of figures and (even if I don't know who have painted what!) great painting work!
    Very good idea to choose those 15mm Essex for the boat: it allows diversity in the range of figures.
    Honesty, I don't recognize all the Pegasus and Imex figures...
    Have you done conversions?

    Congrats and thanks for the pleasure for my eyes!

    1. hello Pascal. First of all, welcome back from your vacation! Therefore, most of the figures were painted by me, but there are several who painted Paul (great) and, if you look hard enough, there's also one that you've painted! (The man who wields two small barrels). As for the manufacture try to explain better: Indian woman sitting in the hut (IMEX), various monks (pegasus), a man who placed the huge barrels on the beach and what holds up the cross (Hat), there are also four figures from the set medieval heavy bombard from zvezda (the two that raise the cross and two others carrying a bag on a pole) .. Thank you very much for your nice comment, see you soon!

    2. Thanks for all those precisions ! you have done a really good choice and it's always interesting to know what can be use without doing conversions (or just small ones).

      I like the idea of a diorama with figures painted by many friends:
      I'm in ! (except for Napoleonic or WWI/WWII periods!)

    3. .. I was sure that you would have liked the idea ..... I'll tell you more: I think that since I started to learn about and share my passion with people like you I got a new drive to do things that perhaps only I would not have done. The idea of the diorama "many hands" I love it and I do not think it is impossible of realization. As a preliminary idea I thought the set of medieval workers Waldemar. I hope that we'll be many. greetings my friend

  4. Fantastic work Michele! This is eyecandy! I love every little detail on this diorama! Good choice to take a smaller scale for the ship crew!


  5. hi Peter , saw your correction on Benno's......thank you very mutch. Glad you enjoy my works!!!It was a dream of mine to build a diorama to house figurines painted by Pascal (The day of the tournament) and Paul (Descobrimento do brasil). Now that my friendships have expanded'm thinking of a very ambitious project but I think that is very cute and a diorama with at least a figure painted by each of you. Will it succeed this time?

    1. What were you thinking about! What period? And what figure? Just let me know and I'm in! ;-)

      A PM at Benno's works the best ;-)


    2. so Peter,i haven't jet an idea. I was oriented to the middle age, maybe a group of medieval workers building a church. i'm happy to have the second friend in

    3. Just let me know when you have decided! I will help you! ;-)

