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giovedì 11 luglio 2013

"Descobrimento do Brasil" LAST UPDATE ( i hope......)

Dopo alterne vicende ho ripreso il lavoro...spero in breve di pubblicare la versione definitiva.
After ups and downs I've gone back to work ... I hope soon to publish the final version

6 commenti:

  1. Bellissimo Michele il decoro didietro lo mette ancora più in evidenza , un capolavoro .

  2. Risposte
    1. TX Toma! I always follow your beautiful work, with great admiration. greetings

  3. I know one or two of those on the beach :-D
    It Looks great...the water effect is very good.

    1. right Paul, the last picture you can see at least 6 of the figures that you've painted (+ a horse). This makes the diorama even more valuable. greetings
