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lunedì 21 gennaio 2013

Ci provo! / I try it!

Due modelli scala 1/35, in pasta modellabile a freddo, della tipica maschera popolare del carnevale di Lavello, paese in cui ho vissuto la mia infanzia e adolescenza.

Two models 1/35 scale, in modeling clay cold, the typical popular mask of  carnival in Lavello , the country where I spent my childhood and adolescence.

7 commenti:

  1. Due bellissime figurine , le proporzioni sono bene rispettate , la scultura perfetta , non conosco questi personaggi di carnevale , tipico a la regione suppongo , venendo da Venezia ;) .
    Complimenti Michele

    1. thanks Vincent. This type of costume is typical popular in the country called Lavello, in the south of Italy, which has a long tradition. In fact mine is a conversion, I have in fact used the military figures 1/35 and then the sculpture refers to the dress and some details and, of course, painting. I think a decent result, but I want to improve. a hug

  2. That´s a really good first attempt at sculpting

  3. tx Paul! from the small things to bigger......

  4. Excellent work Michele! Go on, make some more!


  5. Thank you Peter, I am very fascinated by the sculpture and now I'm trying to learn by myself and with a few tips, such as precious Leo Torricini. Ciao
