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sabato 4 maggio 2013

"DESCOBRIMENTO do BRASIL" : l'avventura inizia. / the adventure begins.

Pedro Alvares Cabral ha circa 33 anni, parte da Lisbona il 9 marzo 1500 con tredici navi e circa 1500 uomini. Una delle navi naufraga presso Capo Verde.
Il 22 aprile avvista il monte che chiama Pascoal e il giorno seguente sbarca sulla costa a Porto Seguro (attuale stato di Bahia).
Crede sia un'isola e la chiama "Isola di Santa Cruz". Fa innalzare una croce di legno alta circa sette metri.
Solo quattro delle navi torneranno salve a Lisbona.
Alcune foto delle fasi iniziali di costruzione del mio nuovo diorama 1/72.

Pedro Alvares Cabral was about 33 years old, starts from Lisbon March 9, 1500 with thirteen ships and about 1500 men. One of the ships wrecked near Cape Verde.
On April 22, sighting the mountain that calls Pascoal and the next day landed on the coast at Porto Seguro (current state of Bahia).
Believed to be an island and call it "Island of Santa Cruz." Will raise a wooden cross about seven meters high.
Only four of the ships return to Lisbon .
Some photos of the initial  construction  stages of my new diorama 1/72.

15 commenti:

  1. That seems very interesting! Waiting for more.

  2. This looks like a great start to a fascinating project, and I really look forward to seeing how it develops. - James

  3. Thanks very mutch for watching Andràs and James!!! My enthusiasm is great, I hope it will also be the results of this new work.

  4. It will be nice to see the steps you take as you build one of your beautiful works.

    1. thanks Anne. I do not have enough time for some real tutorials, but I can usually publish various stages of development of the diorama. greetings

  5. Molto interessante! mi piace molto l'idea, ti seguirò con molto interesse.

  6. Very nice idea and pictures!

  7. Hello Michele my friend. This seems to be a very interesting projekt. The beginning looks great, so I stay tuned for your next steps. Keep on your good work!


    1. Bruno hello, this is a project I had in mind for many months, but I waited to have the time to work quietly and without too many breaks. Thanks for following my work!

  8. I'm sure that it will be beautiful, I'm waiting to see more!

    and I'm very interested to see the figures... but I have an idea of which ones you will use .... (there is not a lot choice in that scale, I think!)

    1. Pascal therefore, as regards the figures will use the figures of Essex in 15 mm as guests of the ship. The other figures (all 1/72) are, as always, a mix. In addition to those you can imagine, provided by M. Cremerius, there will be figs of Imex and others. In addition there will be several figs masterfully painted by P. Hedges. In short, there are prerequisites for a good job, hopefully good. a hug!
